Some of the places Ignite students and alumni have or are currently serving.
We would love for you to join us for one of our upcoming mission trips.
In the past, Ignite has taken mission trips to Paraguay, Guatemala City, Guatemala - L'viv, Ukraine - Hauncayo, Peru - Anchorage, Alaska - Houston, TX - Puerto Rico - and Memphis, TN. In addition, you can see on the map the many locations where Ignite has either taken a mission trip or has sent students on short and long term missions over the past few years.
Students raise all of their money for these trips with the help of friends and family and all money raised can be submitted for tax exemption. Please don't let money be the reason why you may not consider participating in a mission trip!
Serving the global church is an incredible way to grow in your own discipleship and have a lasting effect on the lives of many people. If you would like to know more about why we believe in Mission Trips or if there is a Biblical basis for mission trips, please use this document for more information.
If you have decided that you want to participate in this trip, please fill out the form below and submit your information.
You can use this document for information regarding sending support letters and how financial support should be collected.