Ignite would not exist without the work of our student leaders.
Every student on leadership at Ignite agrees to live by a standard of integrity, holiness, and commitment to Christ. Not only are they entrusted with certain responsibilities and areas of leadership, but they are also being invested in and challenged in their own spiritual growth. As people who are trying to follow Christ, we believe that being transformed into the image of Christ is our highest calling. Subsequently, we hope and believe that participating as a leader for Ignite will help any student mature into Christlikeness. Therefore, we add new leaders each semester. If you are interested in being a student leader at Ignite, please contact one of our staff or more information.
Our student leadership team for the 2023 Fall semester includes:
Abby Boxdorfer
Branton Beard
Brianna Bohling
Cadrian Hutsell
Emma Lacey
Emma Summers
Hunter DeClue
Jessica Deevers
Kaleigh Littell
Lane Clouse
Lili Harmon
Makenzie Johnson
Matthew Holman
Morgan Alber
Sean Sullivan
Sydney Lewis
TJ Micheals
TJ Stoverink
Zoe Bell