We call our small groups "iFams", short for Ignite Families. We honestly desire for these small groups to function as a type of family. iFams are the best way to build deep friendships and be in life together. We have groups for guys and girls, as well as co-ed groups that meet on different nights during the week. We will have groups safely gathering in person. We really would love for you to come as you are and be known by fellow students who are trying to walk together through life following Jesus!
Please watch the video below to have a better understanding of what iFams are.
If you would like to be a part of one of our iFams, or if you are interested in starting a new one, please fill out the form below. If there is enough interest, we may add more groups.
If you are wanting to sign-up for Alpha, a course that is all about exploring faith, please go here.