Ignite Staff & Leadership


The staff at Ignite are here to help resource the students and the Ignite community. While each person guides a particular area of our student ministry, they are also being invested in and challenged in their own Christian maturity and leadership. Each person is capable of answering  questions or helping in any way they can.

Please get to know our staff, as they are working to serve students in the name of Christ.

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Taylor Bridges


Associate Director

Taylor is a graduate of SEMO and he is excited to be pouring back into the community. He helps coordinate and lead the worship team, leads a small group, and meets with students often. So whether you’re interested in Ignite’s music ministry, joining a guy’s small group, or if you would love to just get coffee and talk about life you can hit him up at the link below!

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Madison Marshall



Hi! I'm a senior at SEMO and I'm majoring in Global Studies. I am originally from Farmington, MO, but now live in Cape Girardeau in the Girl's Ignite House. I started attending Ignite my freshman year and have been coming regularly ever since. I became involved quickly by joining Ignite leadership and leading a girl's Bible study (iFam). If you ever want to grab a bite to eat, go on an adventure, or talk I am available! I love meeting new people and talking about life!


Ignite Leadership Team

Every student on leadership at Ignite agrees to live by a standard of integrity, holiness, and commitment to Christ.  Not only are they entrusted with certain responsibilities and areas of leadership, but they are also being invested in and challenged in their own spiritual growth.  As people who are trying to follow Christ, we believe that being transformed into the image of Christ is our highest calling.  Subsequently, we hope and believe that participating as a leader for Ignite will help any student mature into Christlikeness.  Therefore, we add new leaders each semester.  If you are interested in being a student leader at Ignite, please contact Jeffrey or one of our staff for more information.   


2018 Leadership

  • Braiden Jones
  • Catherine Hemenway
  • Cole Andrews
  • Freddy Bond
  • Garrett Jackson
  • Jessica Detert
  • Justin Pullin
  • Kellie Sargent
  • Marlee Russell
  • Olivia Aholt
  • Rosa Lloyd
  • Tierney Stuart